"Hades" Collaboration Segment:
The theme for this level is centered around machines and gears. I used dark purple colors with highlights of blue and orange running through the part to help convey a dark yet intriguing atmosphere. I created all the pipes and gears seen throughout the part. In addition, I programmed all the mechanisms in the part to move correctly, including the rotation of many of the large gears.
"Kyrie Eleison" Collaboration Segment:
The theme for this level is centered around heaven and clouds. I used large overarching pillars that move in front of the gameplay as well as clouds to give depth to the part. In order to further convey the heavenly theme, I created an intricate block design out of bricklike materials and magical-looking runes to make it seem as if the player is traveling through a temple. Lastly, I used glow to create rainbows throughout the part, as well as bright, light colors, furthering the heavenly and sky-like theme.
"Altair" Collaboration Segment:
In the level shown below, the theme was centered around mystical places and magic. I created lanterns and floating stars in addition to detailed decorations for my blocks. I also used a large number of floating and glowing objects to create a mystical feel when players play the level. I used muted blues and purples to continue the magical theme throughout the part, overlaying multiple hues of purples and blues on top of the blocks. In addition to this, I also used themed arrows to guide the player as to when they should jump.
"At Pass" Full Solo Level:
This full level is one of my many fully solo works in the game. Though this level has no particular theme, I chose vibrant colors to represent the energetic song along with bright flashes to sync the level to the music. To further the experience, I created all of the gameplay to sync the music as well. This project was well received by the in-game community, receiving over 167,000 downloads and being featured by the developer of the game himself.
"Inferno" Collaboration Segment:
In this level, the theme is centered around fire and technology, with a focus on a warm color palette in order to fit the song. I programmed moving blocks throughout the part to convey motion and give a more dynamic feel. Upon its release, this level received special recognition by the game's developer and popularity within the community for being a fun-to-play, challenging, themed level.
"Acid Rush II" Collaboration Segment:
This level's theme was focused on acid and toxic waste. In an effort to give off a sewer-like and industrial vibe, I added dripping spikes and a toxic-green color palette, as well as plenty of gears.

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